Friday, July 25, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal

Treat Your Dog to Holistic Dog Food

Posted: 24 Jul 2008 03:03 AM CDT

You can create your own holistic dog food if you have the time to create recipes. Holistic dog food contains a combination of high-grade meats, ground bones and whole grains. There are many manufacturers who now create these holistic dog foods, so it is possible to buy them instead of having to create your own. The meats used in holistic dog food are considered table meat, which means it is meat that you would eat yourself. You will not find any meat by-products in holistic dog food, as you will in most commercial dog food.

You can get holistic dog food in both dry and moist varieties so you can satisfy your dog’s individual taste. You will not find any artificial colorings or flavorings in holistic dog food. Neither will you have to worry about any harmful toxins such as pesticides when you buy holistic dog food. This is because the plants used in holistic dog food are all organically grown and not pesticides are used on them.

Since your dog is a treasured member of your family, so why not feed him the same quality food you eat yourself by using holistic dog food. You will not notice any significant difference in the price of the holistic dog food as compared with commercial brand names. You can also save yourself time when shopping by buying the holistic dog food you need at online pet stores. If you are not sure about this method of getting quality holistic dog food, check out the online pet stores and read about the guarantees that they offer for their supplies of holistic dog food. All of them will ship your order of holistic dog food directly to your door and many of them offer free shipping.

Your dog will realize many advantages when you make the switch from commercially manufactured dog food to holistic dog food. You will see that the dog has fewer allergies, more energy and less digestive problems when on a diet of holistic dog food. You will benefit from this change to holistic dog food in the reduced vet bills, as your dog won’t sick as often.

When you start feeding holistic dog food to your dog, you may have to wean him from the food he has been used to eating. There is also the likelihood that he will take right to the holistic food and you won’t have any difficulty getting him to eat it.

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