Monday, June 23, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal

200+ Dog Food Recipes OMG!

Posted: 23 Jun 2008 01:57 AM CDT

Yeah, I am here and was about going to tell you how most commercial dog foods are not all that dog friendly. Yet, I decided not to insult your intelligence and give you some lame pitch like those other people.

All I need to ask is, are you simply looking for some good wholesome dog food recipes that are made from home ingredients?
I will tell you, however, about how my Dachshund was 15 lbs overweight even though she received 1/2 cup of commercial brand diet dog food and baking it fresh and having the ingredients in my control took 10 lbs off her in thirty days. And that is feeding her that same 1/2 cup of food per day and her next Vet appointment he “told me good job she looks good and healthy”.

It’s quite well known that how many of our friends are overweight and these recipes are a way you can get him or her fit and trim.

I can also tell you the same story in reverse with one of my Coonhounds who never seemed to keep up to weight, homemade food empowered me to grasp the good quality of ingredients to not only put on weight but also put it on him the right way, just like humans dogs can get heart disease from having to much fat.

So I encourage you, from dog lover to another, to spend a little of your time and make better use of that dog food budget on getting these dog food recipes today.

How To Get The Right Traffic

Posted: 22 Jun 2008 05:03 AM CDT

I participated in one forum yesterday and found out how many bloggers see what entrecard can do with regards to Traffic. Only few have positve feedback on what kind of Traffic entrecard can do and mostly say, it is a fake Traffic. I wouldn’t throw any ways of building Traffic as long as it is a clean Traffic.

Getting Traffics from entrecard is like a Traffic that you can get from community sites like mybloglog or blogcatalog. They says that this kind of Traffic won’t make you money since the readers are also fellow bloggers, whose main intention are almost the same as ours. Now I would disagree with that in someways because this kind of Traffic can be your way to capture potential readers or buyers from your site.
When the site where your entrecard blog is being advertised is relevant to your site, might have the kind of readers that you are targeting. That is why it is important to choose the right category for your blog and the site where your blog will be advertised.

Submitting your blog to directories is just another way to add the right Traffic that you get from the search engine. Being able to reach the search engine is the best way to target the right readers. Even if you have low Traffic or your blog is new, you’ll be able to reach the right Traffic by using the right keywords density of your original content.

I have only 28 visitors yesterday, but I was able to get three clicks on my Google Adsense, which only means that I was able to reach the targetted readers for my money blog. Not a lot of money, but being able to get the right Traffic just makes me smile.

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